
This is also a follow up to the Button Picture State tutorial and shows various types of buttons like toggles and disabled buttons and some common use cases. Below are the six possible button’s picture states again, listed in the right order. However via KSP (script) we can only address the on and off state. So unfortunately, the hover & pressed state can neither be read nor set. Well fortunately in most cases at least the pressed state equals the on state in terms of the functionality.

  • off
  • on
  • pressed off
  • pressed on
  • mouse hover off
  • mouse hover on

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This article explains how to make a vertical drawer with a slide in/out animation with Kontakt 6 (and beyond). (see video)
The download additionally includes a horizontal drawer with a slide right-in/right-out animation. You can customize both the drawer to your needs via some global adjustments

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with ui_panels and z_layers we can easily create dialog windows and add a backdrop which closes the dialog again when clicking on it. This tutorial shows the essentials of how to create such a dialog window & responsive backdrop combination. The download also provides an additional more advanced version with some controls (see the video).

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this is an additional dlc to the drag & drop script. As you may already have seen with other Kontakt instruments we can create draggables to rearrange FX or anything else with up to 16 elements. This script in particular rearranges the instrument FX chain, related to the draggable positions (see video). Read more »


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this drag & drop script can be used to rearrange anything with Kontakt. With up to 16 draggable elements.

It can easily be customized by adjusting a few parameters like size, position, amount of draggable elements. The draggables can be skinned with custom images as well (see video).

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