
Last modifiedby & filed under Kontakt Scripting (KSP) - Basics, UIs, Tutorials, Scripts and Tools, Kontakt Scripting (KSP) :: Basics.

this article explains the user defined function in KSP. At the end of this article there is also a comparison between clasic and advanced functions with sublime text.

1. Content

  1. What’s a (user defined) function?

  2. user defined functions explained

  3. Classic vs Advanced

What’s a (user defined) function?

a “user defined function” – or in other programming languages just called “function” – is a set of instructions that perform a specific task. Thereby we can perform one and the same task over and over again by calling the function throughout our code. This saves time and reduces the amount of code needed. Usually functions can also accept input values, known as parameters, and return output values, however classic KSP user defined functions don’t. There are also advanced functions with sublime text which can do partly.
In simpler terms, a function is like a blueprint that we can use over and over again to automatically build the same thing with different (amounts of) material.


syntax: declaring a function

function <function_name>
  message("classic user defined function")
end function


  • we declare a function by using the term “function” followed by any name we define for our function similar to a variable name.
  • we close the function via “end function”.
  • we can then include code instructions inside function ... end function that is performed whenever the function is called.

Syntax: calling a function

call <function_name>


  • once declared, we can execute (or call) the function via call <function_name>
  • we can only call functions inside other functions and callbacks like the on ui_control, on note, on release or on async_complete callback.
  • however unfortunately we can not call functions inside the on init callback. This is only possible in sublime text.

IMPORTANT: Unlike many other programming languages, in KSP a function must be declared before it is called (also see below under special notes)!


a function can only be called after it has been declared:

{##### THIS WILL WORK #####}
on init
    declare ui_button $button
end on

function myFunction
end function

on ui_control ($button)
    call myFunction
end on

{###### THIS WILL NOT WORK #######}
on init
    declare ui_button $button
end on

on ui_control ($button)
    call myFunction
end on

function myFunction
end function

functions CAN NOT be called inside the on init callback:

function myFunction
end function
on init
    call myFunction
end on

what is (not) possible compared to other languages:

arguments / parameters / passing values

we can not use arguments to pass values, objects or other functions into a classic ksp function.

we can use global variables to “inject values”, though. But only values, no objects or other functions (see the example below)
we can define functions with arguments in Sublime Text. But we can also only pass values.

local variables

local variables do not exist in KSP.
Instead we have to use the usual global variables that we have declared inside the on init. With advanced functions in sublme text we can also declare variables inside the function itself. Due to the compilation process, these variables behave at least like local variables, but also have a global scope.

What are local & global variables? Learn more

callback functions

we can not build callback functions

A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is then called when the other function finishes its execution. This allows for more flexible and dynamic programming, especially in event-driven and asynchronous programming.

  Instead, we can call another function within a function, e.g. if certain conditions are true.
NOTE: in this case the other function must also be declared before it can be called in classic KSP, which limits certain applications.

allowed scope for functions

KSP functions can only be called inside other functions and callbacks, like in the on control, on async_complete or on note callback. They can not be called in the on init callback.


on init
  declare ui_button $call_me
  declare $x
  $x := 0
  declare @times
  declare @placeholder
end on

function classic_function
  if($x = 1)
    @times := " time"
    		@times := " times"
  end if
  message(@placeholder & "you called me " & $x & " " & @times)
end function

on ui_control($call_me)
  @placeholder := "on ui_control: "
  call classic_function
end on

on async_complete
  @placeholder := "on async_complete: "
  call classic_function
end on

This simple function counts the number of calls and outputs the total calls, with a dynamic text that changes depending on where the call was made.

The function is called inside a on ui_control callback when pressing a simple button. Or it is also called on async_complete.

> By pressing the call_me button
this will output “on ui_control: you called me x times”. Where x is the count
> On async_complete
this will output “on async_complete: you called me x times”. Where x is the count

To increase the counter we use a global variable $x which will be increased inside the function with each call of the function.

We further use a global string variable @placeholder from outside the function to “pass” a string value into the function. But since the variable can not be local and since we can’t assign individual arguments to functions this is not as convenient as in other programming languages but it works!

We can ignore the whole @times if case. This is just to add a little sugar to the whole thing .. grammatical correctness, you know.
It simply switches the word “time” to plural “times” so that it says “you called me 1 time” at the first call and “you called me 2 times” from the second call.


we call the function via call classic_function inside the on ui_control($call_me) callback when hitting the button. Learn all about the on ui_control callback here.
it gets also called automatically on async_complete. An async_complete call won’t happen in this script though.

again, a classic function has to be declared before it is called. So this won’t work:

on init
  declare ui_button $call_me
end on

{THIS PRODUCES AN ERROR, because the function is defined below the call}
on ui_control($call_me)
  call classic_function
end on

function classic_function
  message("I'm a classic function")
end function

Classic vs Advanced user defined functions

In Sublime Text we got more possibilities with user defined functions. Here is a comparisson between the classic KSP functions and the more advanced functions in Sublime Text.

advanced function
(Sublime Text)
classic function
arguments / parameters
only virtually
local variables
only virtually
can be called anywhere not inside the on init
can be defined anywhere
user-defined callback functions

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