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Last modifiedby & filed under Kontakt Scripting (KSP) - Basics, UIs, Tutorials, Scripts and Tools, Kontakt Scripting (KSP) :: Basics.

with the introduction of the ui_panel since Kontakt 6, things became a little easier when it comes to complex UIs with multiple screens (= panels) inside one script tab.

This article explains the ui_panel ind detail and shows some basic examples.

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  • all introduced examples as ksp file for sublime
  • all introduced examples as already compiled nki for Kontakt 6


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  1.  ui_panel explained

    a. Declaring a panel

    b. assigning controls to our panel

    c. hiding a panel
    d. positioning panels  premium

    e. child panels / sub panels   premium

1. the new ui_panel explained

Most often we use the ui_panel to create dynamic UIs or multiple screens within one script tab (see video) But it can also be used to group some controls e.g. to adjust their x & y position altogether (learn more below [premium])

So the ui_panel is a container where we can put in all of our ui elements belonging together. Thereby the panel itself is no real object like the other UI elements because it is always invisible and inactive more like an adjustment layer if you want to put it that way.

What can be controlled via panel?

  • x/y position of the whole panel affecting all the assigned ui elements
    (thereby the relative position of all the assigned elements to each other is not changed)
  • visibility of all the assigned ui elements

single steps in words (syntax below):

  1. first we declare a panel like any other ui control inside the on init
  2. then we assign ui elemnts to our panel that we want to group and control all together
    (like knobs buttons, menus etc)
  3. we can now control all assigned elements by just controlling the panel.

This code for example shows and hides everything assigned to $mypanel:

set_control_par(get_ui_id($myPanel), $CONTROL_PAR_HIDE, $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL)

A :: Declaring a panel

on init 
  declare ui_panel $myPanel
end on

A panel can be declared like any other ui_element

B :: Assigning an element to a panel (e.g. a slider)

on init 
  declare ui_panel $myPanel
  declare ui_slider $mySlider(0,100)
  {assigns the slider to $myPanel:}
  set_control_par(get_ui_id($mySlider), $CONTROL_PAR_PARENT_PANEL, get_ui_id($myPanel))

  {or in sublinme short syntax:
  $mySlider -> parent_panel := get_ui_id($myPanel) }
end on

assigns the Slider we just declared to our Panel.

$mySlider -> parent_panel := get_ui_id($myPanel)

This is the exact same code from above in sublime ksp short syntax (but this needs to be compiled)

NOTE: we can assign each control to only one panel! For a complex ui with sub panels and multiple dependencies read Child Panels (premium content)

C :: Hiding a panel (and all of its elements)

// or in sublime 3 short syntax
$myPanel -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL

This hides our panel and all elements assigned to that panel. At best use this in combination with some navigation buttons (see below)

Full code to show/hide the panel content via nav buttons

on init 
  declare ui_panel $myPanel_1 
  declare ui_panel $myPanel_2

  declare ui_slider $mySlider (0,100)
  $mySlider -> parent_panel := get_ui_id($myPanel_1) 

  declare ui_knob $myKnob(0,100,1)
  $myKnob -> parent_panel := get_ui_id($myPanel_2)

  declare ui_button $NavButton1
  declare ui_button $NavButton2

  //initially hide all panels
  $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
  $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
end on
on ui_control ($NavButton1)
  $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_PART_NOTHING
  $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
  $NavButton2 := 0
end on

on ui_control ($NavButton2)
  $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_PART_NOTHING
  $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
  $NavButton1 := 0
end on

A simple nav button which hides and shows our parent panels … this is already your first little multi screen instrument

D :: positioning panels

we can also position whole panels instead of position each single control. The following will reposition the two labels dynamically via x & y slider and also displaying the x/y coordinates as label text

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12 Responses to “Kontakt Scripting (KSP) :: BASICS :: ui_panel explained [Kontakt 6]”

  1. StephanS

    Thank you for the Tutorial. But i have one question: Is it possible to close a Panel by Clicking outside of it in the GUI? Or must be a Button pushed for that?

    • YummyBeats

      As far as I know you always need a button.
      It's still possible by creating a very large button as a background layer and by putting all other ui elements on top but I wouldn't actually recommend placing the button outside the panel, because it will always be there and reacting then.

      So instead you can make the whole panel clickable. To do so just add a very large button with the size of your panel as a background layer and put other UI elements on top. You can either make the button transparent then, or just use a background graphic, so that the button builds the background for your panel.

      Of course you can also try this method and place this large button outside of your panel with the size of your whole GUI. So that whenever you click on an empty area outside, the panel closes.
      However as said this button will always be reacting then, and it could possibly cover other ui elements. Especially when you work on your project again after years you may not think about that and may be wondering why some elements suddenly don't work. At least since Kontakt 6 we can z-layer ui elements.

  2. Greg_Mnt

    Hey Guys, This is great, thanks so much. Out of interest is there anyway of assigning a new/different background image to a panel or affecting the background image (blurring, opacity etc) so that the panel could open in front of existing controls and not cause a problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • YummyBeats

      Hey, not to the panel itself. A panel is just a container where you can put in your ui controls but unfortunately you cannot assign backgrounds to a panel.

      However you can add a label with the size of your UI and assign a background image to it. Since the label is always in the back you can then put all other ui controls on top of it like knobs, buttons, menus etc
      Here you can read a full tutorial. Switchable, Dynamic Background Image / Wallpaper (via label element)

      I can also recommend you to browse through all the other UI tutorials Like creating custom buttons and knobs.

  3. Greg_Mnt

    Hey Guys, This is great, thanks so much! Would be great to have the buttons hide the panel when clicked again not just switching between panels. What would need to be added to the ui_control for this? Cheers

    • YummyBeats

      Hey, you can simply hide all panels via $control_par_hide. Just add this to your nav buttons. I also added a close "X" button:
      on init 
        declare ui_panel $myPanel_1 
        declare ui_panel $myPanel_2
        declare ui_slider $mySlider (0,100)
        $mySlider -> parent_panel := get_ui_id($myPanel_1) 
        declare ui_knob $myKnob(0,100,1)
        $myKnob -> parent_panel := get_ui_id($myPanel_2)
        declare ui_button $NavButton1
        declare ui_button $NavButton2
        declare ui_button $closeAll
        $closeAll -> text := "X"
        $closeAll -> width := 20
        $closeAll -> pos_x := 630-20
        $closeAll -> pos_y := 4
        //initially hide all panels
        $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
        $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
      end on
      // NAVIGATION 
      on ui_control ($NavButton1)
        select $NavButton1
          case 1
            $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_PART_NOTHING
            $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
          case 0
            $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
            $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
        end select
        $NavButton2 := 0
      end on
      on ui_control ($NavButton2)
        select $NavButton2
          case 1
            $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_PART_NOTHING
            $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
          case 0
            $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
            $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
        end select 
        $NavButton1 := 0
      end on
      on ui_control($closeAll)
        $myPanel_1 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
        $myPanel_2 -> hide := $HIDE_WHOLE_CONTROL
        // reset all button states
        $closeAll := 0
        $NavButton1 := 0
        $NavButton2 :=0
      end on

  4. Confused

    Attention! No .nki files in premium DOWNLOAD. Confused! Where is the userfriendly quality?

    • YummyBeats

      Sorry, there is no fancy ui here, so the consideration was that a nki would not be necessary in this case since you only need to copy (sublime => F5 key) & paste the code. But it has now been added to the download.

      By the way, in the download boxes the downloadable content is always listed, so I hope you didn't have the feeling you bought a pig in a poke!

    • YummyBeats

      For this one you need to compile all the example code with sublime 3. To do so simply copy and paste the example code into sublime and hit the F5 key (the compiled code will be put into your clipboard). Then just paste the code into your Kontakt script tab.

      Learn more about working with sublime3 and setting it up for the first time here

  5. Florian

    how can I "store" a button matrix in panels, so I must not create every single button by hand?

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