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Last modifiedby & filed under Kontakt Scripting (KSP) - Basics, UIs, Tutorials, Scripts and Tools, Kontakt Scripting (KSP) :: Custom Scripts & Functions (Plugins).

In the last article we’ve learned a basic round robin function via groups. Now we create a more complex round robin application. A simple guitar engine, containing 3 different instruments (acoustic guitar, flageolet & fx guitar). So this time we need to create a matrix so that the activated instruments are played round robin (see video)

Please note this tutorial is about the round robin functionality! We won’t build the whole instrument. So this time there is no open Resource folder and access to the graphic content. Therefore you still get the full instrument with an open script tab

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Download all files to this tutorial premium

  • NKI file: open scipt tab
  • additional ksp script file for sublime text



KSP Scripts licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ You may use the script, modify it, build up on it, as you like (even commercially), as long as you keep all credits. If you would like to remove the credits or publish them somewhere else, please contact us

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The full Script

before we take a closer look at the single callbacks, here is the full script

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7 Responses to “Kontakt Scripting (KSP) :: CUSTOM SCRIPTS :: advanced round robin function (smart)”

    • YummyBeats

      Sorry it's because the modest guitar is also available as Kontakt instrument so that you can't completely rebuild it. But this article is actually about the round robin function itself, which is only the mathematical or functional aspect (so only the code is relevant for this). If you need pngs just refer to the specific tutorials (like knobs or buttons)

      • CodeKSP

        Ok, no problem, I like just learn/follow the code step by step, line by line. And, no way for extract .nkr.

        • YummyBeats

          yeah I know what you mean. In this case there is really nothing relevant inside the nkr which helps you understanding this tutorial. But still I get the point and usually the Kontakt resources are completely open (including the pngs etc) so that you can analyze the whole "project" yourself. Just not in those cases where it's not really relevant an where it shouldn't be possible to completely rebuild the whole instrument.

  1. CodeKSP

    "This will not be explained any further in this tutorial but the code is not complex so you should find out yourself how it works." Premium Tutorial for us: "find out yourself" WOW! Thanks!

    • YummyBeats

      Well you are right, sorry. I will write an extra (non premium) tutorial about animation steps / image sprites. EDIT: the Animation via Sprite Sheets Tutorial is now available But it is really pretty simple. The code is already completely shown. You just need to create an image sprite with your indicator states like you would do for a custom button or knob. In this case we just need two animation steps. Circle bordered (indicator off state) and Circle filled (indicator on state). With $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE_STATE you can change the animation position of your image sprite (and keep in mind that $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE_STATE only works with tables, value edits and labels not with buttons or menus).

      • CodeKSP

        Im premium user. I love learn myself, and autodidact, but 1st I need good tools, that's, why I'm here! :) Thanks! I will analyze it!

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